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Dec 11, 2018
Abstract Models and Human Behavior
A precisive abstraction is one in which certain actual characteristics are specified as absent, while a nonprecisive abstraction is one in w

Sep 14, 2018
States, Markets, and Dis-embedded Individuals
Moving beyond liberalism is not to discard some of liberalism’s main commitments, especially those deepest longings of the West—political li

Feb 26, 2018
There Xi Goes...
But if you want to get all structural-functional, Xi's power comes from his position as the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in a

Feb 20, 2018
Markets and States are Complements
We know that markets make countries freer, richer, and happier compared to totalitarian central planning, but we also know that the habit am

Jan 26, 2018
Nation, State, and Democracy
The society and, in a sense, the nation preceded the state without having to be created by it. In such a setting, political parties represen

Dec 6, 2017
The Twitter Presidency
The Twitter presidency leads us to neglect our principles for our grievances and to ignore the benefits and needs of our institutions for a

Dec 4, 2017
Popular Rhetoric, Public Mood, and Presidential Leadership
Governing by this means, if indeed it can be called governing, leads to constant instability as leaders compete with each other to tap the l

Nov 18, 2017
Two Fallible Heads are Better Than One
People were no cleverer then than they are now; they made as many mistakes as we. But not the same mistakes. They will not flatter us in the

Nov 17, 2017
A Liberal Political Order: Medicine Not Food
“I [support democracy] because I believe in the Fall of Man. I think most people [embrace democracy] for the opposite reason. A great...

Nov 15, 2017
Institutional Order and Change
The changes that occur are more likely to reflect local adaptation to local experience and thus be both relatively myopic and meandering, ra
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